--a goatherd and his flock on the side of the road in the middle of an otherwise very urban setting- this is two days in a row now i've seen the same goats on my way to school
--a traffic accident where after one car rear-ended another, the man in the hit car got out looking a little peeved, inspected the back of his car for damages, decided there was no serious harm, waved at the guy in the other car, and got back in his car and drove away. life can be so easy and simple sometimes.
--one of the women trainers at my gym praying on the floor of the locker room in full hijab, then two minutes later leaving her scarf and dress behind to go back to work in a t-shirt and exercise capris.
--the petro truck: these pickup trucks cruise the streets of amman blaring the arabic version of ice cream truck music, but selling canisters of fuel instead of tasty treats.
--how much prettier the city looks in the sun- all the buildings in amman are the same beige color, which on hazy days is not too exciting. but today the sun was out in full force and the city looked bright, shiny and new (albeit still very monotoned).
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