
sábado, 15 de septiembre de 2012

Tarantulas and truchas

First things first: the tarantula got rid of its entire exoskeleton yesterday, so it looked like there were TWO tarantulas in the cage (as if one weren't enough!)

Now for the truchas (trout). This morning I got to go on a hike with my friend Ruby, her husband Jesús, and their 6-year-old daughter Miriam up to a place in one of the outlying towns where people raise trout. It was a beautiful day to be outside, and Miriam and I passed the majority of the hour-and-a-half-long journey to the truchas playing an endless game of adivinanzas (riddles) - the girl is seriously an unending fountain of riddles. I did best in the fruit category (e.g., what's green on the outside and yellow on the inside?) - mostly because the abundance of color clues made those the easiest to guess.

It was cool to see the pond system the trout family had going - since the river runs right through their backyard, setting up a fish farm was a simple but very effective idea.

When Jesús decided to buy some trout to take home for lunch, the señora was quick to oblige, and five unlucky swimmers were pulled from their pool - delicious fresh fish for a total of approximately $5 USD.

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