
lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2012

This weekend: the ABCs

A: Amigos! Brad, Jackie, Chris and I met in Cajamarca for a Peru 19 reunion (and some essential mattress pad shopping). It was great to reconnect, spend time together, and swap stories from site.

B: Bees. Upon arriving home today, I had my first official meeting with the Cajabamba beekeepers' association that I plan to work with. Among other results, one key outcome of the meeting was my realization that my bee-related Spanish vocabulary is severely lacking. In fact, my bee-related English wordbank is rather limited as well. With the post-facto help of google translator, I have since added such obscure words as "carob tree," "jelly" (not the kind you eat), and "protective beehive resin" to my repertoire.

Aside from these minor communication obstacles, the meeting went very well, and I'm excited to work with a group that is so dedicated and enthusiastic about improving their business capabilities. In addition to my meeting, bees also entered my weekend by the coincidental arrival to my house today of an entire bucket full of all-natural honey - a gift from a family friend. I think we should be set on honey for a good while now...

C: Cajabamba festivities. Cajabamba's annual town fiesta is in early October, but apparently the festivities begin well before then. Today marked the kick-off of the month leading up to the big party, so of course there was a party! The townspeople were out in full force, making the plaza a day-long scene of music, revelry, and drinking circles. Somehow they also managed to raise a precariously tall wooden flagpole in front of the church, so that an enormous Peruvian flag can shine down on us in all its glory for the next month.

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