
viernes, 22 de junio de 2012

Aja Ají

Not even two weeks into my Peace Corps training, things are about to get real: in order to really learn good business practices, the CED (community economic development program) volunteers have split into three groups and we will each be opening our own Peruvian business. My group's venture, "Aja Ají," is selling home-made Peruvian ají (a one-word term encompassing all manner of spicy salsas/condiments Peruvians put on their food) to other PCVs during lunch at the training center.

Yesterday was our first day of sales, and opening week has been a hit! Though we did have some stiff competition from the other two groups: "Cookie Corps" selling home-made alfajores from a nearby bakery, and "Jugo de Paz" offering fresh fruit juices.

The best part of this project by far was learning to make the ajís from Nydelis' host mom, Ema. She grows our secret ingredient, pipi de mono, in her garden - but beware, adding even one of these little guys to your sauce means a serious spicy kick!

The first ají we made was garlic-based - luckily Ema had a stash of garlic big enough to last for years (that blue tub is big enough for me to sit in).


After sautéing the garlic, onions, peppers, and tomatoes in the pan, we blended everything together to create our first jar of delicious ají!

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