
miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012

23 in Peru

Yesterday I had the privilege to celebrate my 23rd birthday here in Peru. Despite the fact that it was only my second day in Cajabamba, my host family was so wonderful and made an enormous effort to make sure my day was special. 

After a solid day of work meetings, room shopping/decorating, and continuing my never-ending quest to get to know Cajabamba better, my family and a few friends/socios gathered at our house for some birthday festivities. Here is most of the gang enjoying Javi's delicious pisco sours - from left to right is tío Agusto, papá Javi, me, mamá Lourdes, sister Tana, amigo/socio Elí, and brother/socio Ciro:

And what Peruvian birthday is complete without a delicious tres leches cake?

The fiesta was made extra special by Edwin and Elí's addition of some Peruvian music on the guitar - they even persuaded Javi to play a couple of songs!

What with my fiesta and all the birthday well-wishes I received from loved ones both in Peru and back home, 23 was definitely a birthday to remember.

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