
martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

From the mouths of babes

Data collection for my youth survey is, at long last, complete. Now comes the daunting task of coding and analyzing all 317 responses - Excel, SPSS and I are going to be spending some quality time together in the coming weeks.

My first task has been sorting through and categorizing all the responses to the open-ended questions about personal goals and problems facing Cajabamba's youth. Here's a sample of the most amusing goals, from the perspective of Cajabambans aged 11-29:
--Own an airplane.
--Live in peace and harmony.
--Be recognized worldwide (this one also wants to work in TV).
--Have a lot of people working for me.
--Be involved in a lot of good activities.
--Discover something that hasn't been invented yet.
--Make people stop holding so many strikes/protests.
--Be happy.*

*This one is my favorite, but only ONE of the 317 kids surveyed put this as a goal!

Although these gems are what keep me going through otherwise tedious data-work, in reality most of the respondents put more serious goals related to work, education, family, and helping their community. Should be interesting to eventually see the full results.

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