
lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

Tour de Cajabamba

Last Friday, my Peace Corps-issued bike arrived in Cajabamba, hooray! So, on Sunday morning, my sporty red bike and I went out on a little tour de Cajabamba. Unfortunately the tour was a bit on the short side, as you can only ride about 2 miles outside the city before you hit a long and sleep downward slope - not a hill I felt like climbing back up. So, the excursion's destination point was the mirador (lookout point) along the entrance road to Cajabamba, where a larger-than-life statue of the virgen greets all visitors driving by.

I made sure to go in the morning, before the onset of the daily afternoon rainstorms, so that I could enjoy the sweeping view of the valley from the mirador. You can see the farmland (getting greener every day as more and more rain pours down), the river at the bottom of the valley, and the mountains of the neighboring district. Not too shabby!

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